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juneadmire - all messages by user

1/14/2016 3:42:38 AM
A Book Is a Terrible Thing to Waste It's no secret the cost of printing books

Book Printing is driven up by

inaccurate forecasting and inefficient manufacturing processes—often

leading to stockpiles of books in warehouses and landfills. According

to the Book Industry Environmental Council (BIEC), in a 2006 benchmark,

nearly 25% of all books were being returned.

With a high volume of waste and other factors pushing up costs,

publishers are looking to become more efficient by changing outdated

business practices, while simultaneously producing more titles by more

authors. To that end, many publishers

art book printing
are incorporating digital printing into their procurement strategies;

others have entirely transitioned to digital.

Todd Tillinghast, founder of Snowfall Press, says, "Digital printing

alone will not reduce returns; returns are a byproduct of sales, and

you sell the same number of books regardless

music book printing

of how they are printed. A mix of digital and offset ensures you can

supplement quantity when you are running short, and you won't need to

risk running

leterature book printing
long nearly as often."
pages: 1