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12/29/2017 12:15:20 AM
Posts 1214
Stress Cheap Jerseys China , Aging and Sexual Health We live in a modern world full of stress. Sometimes caused by our environment, sometimes we create it ourselves! Performance at work, personal relationships, sexual performance, family concerns and other activities are all factors creating some level of stress. When we have to work with tight schedules, deadlines, meetings, and other extracurricular activities putting pressure on our lifestyle, then the level of stress may simply be too high. Excessive stress can have a serious impact on your marital life and your sexual health. What happens when you are stressed? Your heart speeds up and your head pounds. Then, your pituitary gland releases a certain hormone Cheap Jerseys , which in turn triggers your adrenal glands to release stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, into your bloodstream. Consequently, several of your body's functions are disrupted. The potential side effects are numerous : stomachache, diarrhea, anxiety, headache, fatigue, etc. You also tend to feel hunger pangs resulting to weight gain. Stress also weakens your immune system increasing your exposure to sicknesses such as colds, infections Wholesale NCAA Jerseys , sleep disorders, skin problems, depression, and loss of sexual libido.Stress also has a definite impact on the aging process. According to a study published by University of California at San Francisco, chronically stressed women displayed chromosomal changes characteristic of increased aging. Doctors found out that the ends of the chromosomes of the female patients participating in the study were shorter than women exposed to a lower level of stress. Ends of the chromosomes are called telomeres and these shorten as we age. Therefore, their length is a measure of aging. When telomeres have reached their minimum lenght, they die out which is evidenced by organ failure and skin wrinkles, to name a few examples. Are you convinced by the need to lower the level of stress in your life? Here is what you can do about it : take care of your body and live a healthy lifestyle. Have adequate rest, a balanced diet and regular exercise. Relax and learn to enjoy your life. Have hobbies to help you relax and distract you from more stressful activities. Gardening, reading Wholesale College Jerseys , sports are all good examples. You can also engage in activities where you can socialize and share your interests and concerns. You probably have interests or talents hiding in you ... you just don't know about it! Join a community, group, club or organization. Follow dance, aerobics or singing lessons. What about piano or guitar? Here's a popular one : karate lessons or some other martial art. Volunteer for local charities or fund raising organizations. Learn deep-breathing exercises and practice meditation or Yoga. Visit the gym regularly or join a fitness group that will help you stay fit and healthy. Be physically active ... don't do excessive training but get your body to work.
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