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1/2/2017 8:03:10 AM
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Still reeling from the Chief's announcement about the merger last week, the entire staff of Seattle Grace doesn't feel safe and is going to great, and often misguided, lengths to secure http://www.moncleronsales.com/ jobs. Their misfortune is a treasure chest of quality OMG moments for fans.

CHILD'S PLAY: Yang feigned interest in pediatrics because Arizona's "merger-proof. She keeps little kids alive. No one likes a dead kid." She immediately found herself immersed in her own personal hell of bear lapel pins, funny voices, games and fetching pudding (the last of which she ate instead of giving it to her patient). She begged Owen to tell the Chief he needed her. "I need to be on the stays list. That list is my future, my salvation. The list is life." Only Yang would feel justified in quoting Schindler's List in this moment. She also requested Meredith use her "dead mommy connections to get answers." Her plan backfired when Callie ratted her out as a kid hater and after a particularly gnarly severed baby arm procedure, Arizona showed a tough side we hadn't really seen before, "It's not a good idea to **** off your attending. I don't like being used. I like being lied to even less."

HAIR APPARENT: Izzie wasn't immune to the layoff paranoia so she threw on some clean scrubs and a wig and reported for Derek's duty. (Yang called the wig Stepford wife, but we must admit we thought it was kinda hot. Sure, it didn't look all that real, but red was a nice change and the scenario is certainly relatable for many watchers.) Alex hounded her to take her meds and tried to get her to quit a five-hour craniotomy she wasn't physically ready for. She pushed through the surgery, dripping in sweat and obviously hurting, but admitted that she'd forgotten cancer and George for a few hours. In the writer's continuing effort to make Alex look like a changed man, he was given another great speech. "I want you to keep doing what you love. You Moncler Outlet are a great doctor but you gotta take care of and pace yourself. I can't be your nurse."
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