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10/15/2019 10:00:59 AM
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Best 10 Nootropic Supplements of 2019

Nootropics, also known as smart drugs are an increasingly popular form of supplement that targets the mind rather than the body. They are known as cognitive enhancers, if you’ve ever seen the film “Limitless” then you have a rough idea of what they are designed to do. You can also read our post about noopept in bodybuilding supplements – what you should know.Best Nootropics powder

Sadly, no Nootropic is as effective as the made up drugs in the film, but there still are a lot of supplements out there that can help improve mood, focus, memory, and decision-making.

In this article we are going to take a look at ten of the best Nootropics out on the market today. We’ll assess their effectiveness, and whether they have the ingredients to match their proposed benefits.
Shreddrex is a seriously loaded nootropic, designed to give you amazing mental focus while containing ingredients to help you burn fat as well. The formula is designed to get you in the zone, elevate your mood and increase your body’s metabolic rate. This formula was put together perfectly to help you get in the zone and energized, but not get you too stimmed. It doesn’t have any appetite suppressants like fat burners do, but definitely has a thermogenic effect. At 1 capsule, this is a kick ass nootropic very strong mental focus and energy, and just all around an amazing focus experience. The tub contains 60 pills and since I believe 1 pill is the best dose to achieve that awesome experience, this has 60 servings which adds great value for money. Definitely the best nootropic out there when you are looking for a kick for your buck.

This is a super strong nootropic that puts the emphasis on mood elevation, focus enhancement, brain boosting and energy. The label shows 2-4 capsules ratio, and I found 4 capsules too much for me mainly because of the caffeine, and 2 capsules were a bit too little. HOWEVER – with 3 capsules, it was magic. This nootropic gets you in the zone in a really good way, energized but not jittery, and the best part is for sure the mood elevation. You just feel good. It gets you going even in doing things you don’t like doing. At 3 capsules the effects last a really long time, so I wouldn’t recommend taking it close to bed time. All things considered, this is one of the best nootropics supplements in the market.

HyperStack’s formula has a hefty dose of mood elevation and focus stimulants. With noopept at 40mg and 2mg of Alpha Yo for 1 (!) scoop, you can be sure it is a strong af formula. This nootropic doesn’t have a lot of caffeine, but is definitely strong on the other stims. This is a hype nootropic, on the verge of a pre-workout, and gets you seriously hyped. If you try 2 capsules you would probably feel it too strongly. The use case for this crazy strong nootropic, for me at least, is when you’re extremely tired and really need a serious boost of energy, mood elevation and mental focus. At 2 capsules you will definitely feel stimmed, perhaps over-stimmed, but at 1 capsule I found this to be a great product to help with get stuff done when I was extremely tired.
This nootropic is the best choice for an afternoon focus and energy enhancement. With L-Theanine in the formula, it really helps the effects fade out smoothly and doesn’t keep you up too long. This product will not get you going crazy and jittery with energy, but will definitely get you feeling more dialed-in. If you want to study or work and just be in the zone and focused for a few hours this is a solid formula, that fades away pretty quick and makes it perfect for the afternoon use cases. The experience was good for the time it lasted and got me focused and doing what I needed to do, without keeping me awake when it was bedtime.
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