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10/5/2019 10:20:50 AM
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Pharmaceutical Nootropics Noopept Powder to Enhance Man′s Cognitive

Noopept powder drugs are described as "Smart Drugs" because, as a whole, this drug category can have an enhancing effect in the areas of memory, focus, cognition, and neurological deficits. The bulk of these drugs have proven to improve conditions like dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and certain types of brain traumas. Noopept is one such nootropic. Noopept is a brand name for a chemical called N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester, which is the synthetic alternative to Piracetam. In order to receive the greatest benefit the required dosage of Noopept is much lower than Piracetam. For example, 4800 mg of piracetam is equated to a daily dosage of Noopept at only 15-30 mg. After administration, Noopept appears to provide a neuro protective effect; however, researchers have yet to explain exactly why this neuro protective element occurs.

Noopept has a similar effect to piracetam, in that it provides a mild cognitive boost after supplementation. Noopept also provides a subtle psychostimulatory effect.

Noopept has a much lower standard dose than piracetam (10-30mg, compared to 4800mg), and it provides a general neuroprotective effect after supplementation. This neuroprotective effect occurs during various states of cognitive trauma, including oxidative stress and physical trauma. There is, however, no evidence to suggest Noopept provides benefits for people with no cognitive ailments.
Noopept Functions

1.Increases coordination
2.Improves mood
3.Helps fight fatigue
4.Prevents oxidation within the brain
5.Treats alcohol related brain damage
6.Prevents caffeine withdrawal symptoms
7 Enhanced nerve growth

The short and long-term effects of Noopept use have proven to be beneficial and positive. The increased capacity of memory, attention span, and overall cognition is improved. According to experts, after tests conducted on rabbits, explain that there have been no toxic, allergic, or direct health risks associated with this nootropic
Suggested Use

Noopept is water-soluble, which makes consumption super convenient, it will dissolve uniformly in a glass of water or green tea. Although the most effective way to take it is sub-lingually, meaning that you place it below your tongue and let it dissolve into the floor of your mouth.
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