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10/5/2019 10:16:04 AM
Posts 392
Bulk Nootropic Oxiracetam Powder Capsule Price

Oxiracetam is a true cognitive enhancer that affects a wide range of cognitive processes, improving everything from attention span to memory, learning capacity,concentration
/focus,sensory perception, and even technical/logical thinking. It also acts as a stimulant, increasing mental energy, alertness, and motivation. Studies show that it is safe and effective in long-term therapy, and there is even clinical evidence that it may even promote and preserve brain health.Nootropics Powder

Oxiracetam is a nootropic drug of the racetam family and stimulant.Several animal studies suggest that the substance is safe even when high doses are consumed for a long period of time. However, the mechanism of action of the racetam drug family is still a matter of research.

Oxiracetam has been studied extensively on both healthy subjects and subjects with mental conditions with much success. There are little to no documented cases of
detrimental effects due to oxiracetam and it is extremely non-toxic and safe for contiuous daily consumption.

Experience does show that taking too much oxiracetam on a single day can result in headaches and possible insomia, however the addition of a choline source usually prevents this. It is advised to regulate any nootropic intake depending on the immediate and longterm effects it produces for an individual.
Oxiracetam is one of the most popular nootropics, well known and highly regarded for its outstanding cognitive enhancement properties and mild stimulant capability. Some of oxiracetam’s benefits include the following:

(1) Improved Memory
Oxiracetam has been shown to improve memory in general, enhancing both memory formation and retention and exerting a significantly positive effect on the speed of recall.

(2) Logical/Technical Thinking Enhancement
While the overwhelming majority of users cite overall learning and memory improvements as major benefits of oxiracetam, a significant percentage of users also report that they experience dramatic improvements in logical and technical thinking ability. Some users also report that oxiracetam improves their analytical and reasoning skills

(3) Learning Enhancement
Virtually all oxiracetam users agree that the supplement makes learning faster and easier, and animal studies have shown this to be true. This effect may be due in part to the greater ease and speed of both memory formation and recall that the supplement creates, but it is also believed to be attributable to an easier and more fluid “thought flow” that most oxiracetam users experience.
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