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9/15/2019 8:01:18 AM
Posts 392
1-Testosterone Cypionate Dihydroboldenone Powder

Testosterone cypionate is a steroid hormone from the androgen and is found in mammals and other vertebrates, testosterone cypionate is primarily secreted in the tests of mails and the ovaries of female, although small amount are also secreted by the adrenal glands, testosterone cypionate is the principle male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.

Testosterone cypionate is a long-acting version of the parent hormone testosterone with an attached cypionate ester to delay its release into the body. Testosterone is the most potent, naturally occurring androgen that is formed in the human body. It is responsible for characteristics specific to males and their sexual traits.Test Cyp benefits
Testosterone cypionate plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissue such as the testis and prostates.in addition , testosterone cypionate is essential for health and well-being as well as the prevention of osteoporosis, testosterone cypionate is conserved through most vertebrates, although fish make a slightly difference from called 11-ketotestosterone.

Testosterone Cypionate Applications:
Testosterone Cypionate is one of the most common steroids used by the Beginner , Intermediate and the Advanced Bodybuilder! This is because it is highly anabolic and androgenic given you both mass and strength gains while at same time given you fat loss . In today’s world. It’s the number one prescription amongst Anti-Aging doctors for its remark-ability to restore ones youth!

Testosterone cypionate is a long acting ester of testosterone which is increasingly difficult to find. Before the scheduling of anabolics in the U.S., this was the most common form of testosterone available to athletes. Cyp had gained a reputation as being slightly stronger than Enanthate and became the testosterone of choice for many. Now that anabolics are controlled, this is an almost impossible find. In general, the only versions you’ll find on the black market are Sten from Mexico, which contains 75mg cyp with 25 mg propionate along with some DHEA, and Testex from Leo in Spain which contains 250mg cypionate is a light resistant ampoule. All versions of Upjohn and Steris in multi-dose vials should be looked at with extreme caution as they are very difficult to get on the black market. Counterfeits are quite easy to obtain. Real Steris products have the inking STAMPED into the box and the labels cannot be removed from the bottle. Any variation of that is definitely counterfeit. A running dosage of test cypionate is generally in the range of 200-600mg per week.
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