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Home » Announcements » Troll and Undead are for wow classic gold Messages in this topic - RSS
3/23/2019 10:27:32 PM
Posts 3
By way of example, you state the priest can be very powerful in WoW Classic. However, in my view on Horde side. Horde priests don't have to fight with undeads. The Priest racials of Troll and Undead are for wow classic gold quite powerfull. All Alliance Warriors and Rogues get ill when they Must fight a Troll Shadowpriest. The DoT for Undeads is also too powerfull. The selfheal of Dwarf and Humans does not work in shadowform. I presume, one of the WoW Classic Classes, the Shadowpriest doesn't work on Alliance side. Horde Mages also do not like Gnomes. But how many Alliance players perform with a Gnome, and what number of Horde players perform Undead.

Great video, though I disagree with the choice to make judgements by spec limitations. Yes, you generally focused on one, but that was the case. And some classes that you listed as being spec limited really were not since they had so many more potential talent builds that could function for different functions.

There is guys and each is going to be a 10 or a 1 depending on what a individual cares for. Case in point: rogues are amazing in small scale skirmishes that are and world WoW Classic. For enormous world WoW Classic courses, guild v guild, they're unworthy. For standing battleground pushes, there is usually only 1 rogue who sits in GM in ab or in the bottom of wsg. There appreciate there is very restricted as you just have 1. Ina hardcore guild, melee is life and boss so no need to be worried about the unfriendly melee mechanics dies in 20s. Leveling a rogue? Or pve server? It all matters along with your scores signify none of this. TBH, I don't believe you two posses sufficient vanilla experience along with all the courses to make a fair guide with scores as you've done here. This should be a 9 part series with experts of every class brought in.
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Home » Announcements » Troll and Undead are for wow classic gold